Analysis of Charcoal Briquetting Industry

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Charcoal industry refers to traditional charcoal, biomass briquetting machine and charring. The charring stage is a chemical process. It is a process of recombination of atomic structure under high temperature.

Flow Chart of Biomass Briquetting Process:

Diagram of biomass briquetting process

Along with the strengthen control and protection requirements of forest resources, the cost of charcoal industry is getting bigger and bigger, making charcoal industry a low profit industry.

How to reactivate charcoal making industry?

  • Achieve a high starting point, no pollution.
  • Keep an eye on the market. Make your product position according to the market demand.
  • Have a higher awareness of marketing. Sale is an indispensable part of production.
Follow the three points above, and then you will have a basic grasp of making profit.
These are just some experiences in charcoal and biomass briquetting industry. It might be not complete and perfect, welcome everyone’s criticism to promote mutual development.